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Our Huggies® Little Snugglers Nappies for Premature babies ensure that you are surrounded in protection from the very first moment.
Size: P (1.5 - 3kg) P (1.5 - 3kg) P (1.5 - 3kg)|1|3 3,2,1 New-Born
This Huggies® gift box is the perfect gift, filled with everything baby needs for happy, healthy skin. It contains a pack of Huggies® Pure wipes, two packs of 25 Huggies® Extra Care nappies size 0, a pack of 42 Huggies® Extra Care nappies size 1 – plus some super helpful information about those all-important first few weeks of life.
Size: 1 Gift box 1 Gift box 1 Gift box|3|6 6,5,4,3 New-Born
Our new Huggies® Extra Care nappies are pretty clever, with two zones specially designed to protect your delicate skin.
Huggies® Gold nappies are anatomically shaped to fit comfortably and feature the much-loved stretchy waistband and fasteners.
Size: 5 (15+ kg), 4+ (12kg-16kg), 4 (8kg-14kg), 3 (6kg-10kg), 2 (5kg-7kg) 5 (15+ kg), 4+ (12kg-16kg), 4 (8kg-14kg), 3 (6kg-10kg), 2 (5kg-7kg) 5 (15+ kg)|15|22,4+ (12kg-16kg)|12|16,4 (8kg-14kg)|8|14,3 (6kg-10kg)|6|10,2 (5kg-7kg)|5|7 22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5 Toddlers,Infant
Huggies® Dry Comfort Pants® has an underwear like fit with a breathable stretchy waistband.
Size: 6 (15kg-25kg), 5 (12kg-17kg), 4 (9kg-14kg), 3 (6kg-11kg) 6 (15kg-25kg), 5 (12kg-17kg), 4 (9kg-14kg), 3 (6kg-11kg) 6 (15kg-25kg)|15|25,5 (12kg-17kg)|12|17,4 (9kg-14kg)|9|14,3 (6kg-11kg)|6|11 25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6 Toddlers,Infant
Huggies® Dry Comfort® the super absorbent lock-dry core keeps you dry for up to 12 hours baby.
Size: 5 ( >16kg ) Jumbo, 4+ (12kg-16kg) Jumbo, 4 (8kg-14kg) Jumbo, 3 (6kg-10kg) Jumbo, 2 (5kg-7kg) Jumbo, 1 (1kg-6kg) Jumbo 5 ( >16kg ) Jumbo, 4+ (12kg-16kg) Jumbo, 4 (8kg-14kg) Jumbo, 3 (6kg-10kg) Jumbo, 2 (5kg-7kg) Jumbo, 1 (1kg-6kg) Jumbo 5 ( >16kg ) Jumbo|16|25,4+ (12kg-16kg) Jumbo|12|16,4 (8kg-14kg) Jumbo|8|14,3 (6kg-10kg) Jumbo|6|10,2 (5kg-7kg) Jumbo|5|7,1 (1kg-6kg) Jumbo|1|6 25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Toddlers,Infant
Our Huggies® Gold Pants now come with a new Cloud soft waistband, specially designed to be gentle on your soft skin.
Size: 6 (15kg-25kg), 5 (12kg-17kg), 4 (9kg-14kg), 3 (6kg-11kg) 6 (15kg-25kg), 5 (12kg-17kg), 4 (9kg-14kg), 3 (6kg-11kg) 6 (15kg-25kg)|15|25,5 (12kg-17kg)|12|17,4 (9kg-14kg)|9|14,3 (6kg-11kg)|6|11 25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6 Toddlers,Infant
Let’s get splashing, it’s worry-free swim time.
Hey baby, let’s avoid embarrassing mommy with those accidents in the water. Huggies® has specially designed swim nappies which are a must for the pool or trips to the beach.
Size: 5 (15+ kg), 3-4 (7kg-14kg), 2-3 (3kg-8kg) 5 (15+ kg), 3-4 (7kg-14kg), 2-3 (3kg-8kg) 5 (15+ kg)|12|22,3-4 (7kg-14kg)|7|14,2-3 (3kg-8kg)|3|8 22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3 Toddlers,Infant
Keep soaking up the fun with our awesome Huggies® Little Swimmers reusable swim nappies
Our awesome reusable swim nappies come in sizes 2–3 (5–11kg), 3–4 (11–14kg) and 5–6 (13kg+), with different fun prints to choose from. They’re waterproof and leak-proof to prevent woopsies in the water. Simply swim, wash and reuse
Size: 5 (13+ kg), 3-4 (11kg-14kg), 2-3 (5kg-11kg) 5 (13+ kg), 3-4 (11kg-14kg), 2-3 (5kg-11kg) 5 (13+ kg)|13|22,3-4 (11kg-14kg)|11|14,2-3 (5kg-11kg)|5|11 22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5 Toddlers,Infant