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The 40 weeks leading up to the birth of your baby are full of fascinating milestones, physical transformations that will amaze you, and a sense of anticipation that grows as the big day approaches.


Microscopic image after ovulating

After Ovulating

So you’re pretty sure you’ve ovulated, and you did your best to get pregnant – what now?

The waiting time after ovulation until you are able to either take a pregnancy test or experience menstruation can be agonising, particularly if you have been trying to get pregnant for a while. In the ‘average’ 28-day cycle, menstruation occurs on Day 1 and ovulation occurs after this at around Day 14.

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Pregnancy - Ovulation - Basal Body Temperature

Basal Body Temperature Chart

Measuring your body’s temperature on a regular basis may help you to know when you are about to ovulate. Usually there is a drop in temperature just before ovulation and a sudden rise afterwards, but knowing this is what happens and doing something about it are two different things entirely.

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Pregnancy - Ovulation - Ovulation Calculator

Ovulation Calculator

It can be very helpful for women to know when they are likely to ovulate. As a means of building more awareness of how their body works or as a tool to help maximise the chances of conceiving, becoming ovulation aware is a good skill to have. After all, over the course of a woman’s reproductive lifetime, ovulation can occur as many as 460 times, so there is plenty of opportunity to practice

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Ovulation Days

Ovulation days

If you’re planning to get pregnant, it’s time to start identifying the ovulation day in your cycle. Your chances of getting pregnant are much higher if you make sure that you have sex in the days leading up to that critical ovulation day, so identifying that particular moment is pretty important.

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Ovulation Pain

Ovulation Pain

Around one in five women experience a noticeable pain every month at the time of ovulation – and about half of all women are thought to have experienced ovulation pain at least once.

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Pregnancy - Ovulation - Ovulation Predictor

Ovulation predictor

Ovulation prediction kits are now widely available and reasonably inexpensive, so they have become popular with many women planning for conception and pregnancy.

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Ovulation Symptoms

Ovulation Symptoms

Once you start paying attention to your body, it’s amazing how many hints it delivers about the various stages in your cycle – and ovulation symptoms are often quite noticeable and easy to detect once you know what to look for.

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Ovulation Temperature chart

Ovulation temperature

One of the most significant indicators of the time of ovulation during your usual cycle is the ovulation temperature. At the time of ovulation, your basal body temperature (BBT) will rise – and it will stay a little higher until menstruation.

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An open diary

The ovulation cycle

If you’re planning to get pregnant, one thing that will really help you is having a good understanding of your ovulation cycle.

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Parents holding a pair of baby shoes

Am I Pregnant? Quiz

If you’re starting to wonder ‘Am I pregnant?’, then the best way to be sure is by doing a pregnancy test at around the time that your period would normally be due. But if you’ve got a niggling suspicion you might be pregnant – but no way of getting hold of a test for a while (or perhaps it’s still a bit early to do a test), try our fun ‘Am I Pregnant’ quiz. You can check some of those common early signs that make you wonder and see how you stack up!

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Woman holding a home pregnancy test

Home Pregnancy Test

For many years, home pregnancy tests have been most women’s first choice to confirm their suspicion they might be pregnant. Home pregnancy tests are inexpensive, disposable kits available over-the-counter from most pharmacies and they can also be purchased online.

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Pregnant woman standing on a scale

How Many Weeks Pregnant Am I

Congratulations, you think (or know) you’re pregnant! But it’s quite confusing when you try to work out how many weeks pregnant you are

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Woman looking at a negative pregnancy test

Negative Pregnancy Test

So, you’ve got a negative pregnancy test result. If you’re hoping to have a baby, it’s a real let-down. Does a negative pregnancy test mean that you are not pregnant? The answer is – it depends. Maybe you did the test too early or the test might be faulty.

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Woman looking disappointed

Phantom Pregnancy

One of the more unusual conditions that can occur in women is to have a phantom pregnancy. This is a rare condition and is known formally as pseudocyesis or false pregnancy. Pseudocyesis comes from the Greek language – pseudes meaning false and kyesis meaning pregnancy. In men it is known more frequently as a sympathetic pregnancy or by its official title of couvade syndrome. This is more common in particularly sensitive men who, when their wives or daughters are pregnant, experience similar symptoms as they do. Weight gain, vague aches and pains, abdominal swelling and moodiness are common symptoms of couvade syndrome.

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Positive Pregnancy Test

Positive Pregnancy Test

Those five minutes between taking a pregnancytest and finding the result can feel like the longest five minutes of your life. And when you see the result and realise that you are holding a positive pregnancy test, it often seems a bit like a dream!

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Happy couple looking at a pregnancy test

Two Week Wait

The two weeks between ovulation and when a period is due can seem, for many women, to last an eternity. Especially for those who are trying to conceive and are desperate to have their pregnancy confirmed. But the two-week wait to either have a period or have a pregnancy confirmed can also generate feelings of anxiety and apprehension for women who are just as keen not to have a baby.

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Conception - Best Positions For Getting Pregnant

Best positions for getting pregnant

When you’re trying to conceive, it is worth giving anything a go that you think will boost your chances. But it pays to bear in mind that the human race has been around for over 200,000 years and most of us were probably conceived without our ancestors investing too much thought into the mechanics.

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Best Time To Get Pregnant

When is the best time to get pregnant

Getting pregnant is all about timing. Having sex as close as possible to the moment of ovulation (when an egg is released from your ovaries) is the best time to get pregnant and will give you the best chance of a successful conception.

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Getting Pregnant - Conception - Chances Of Conceiving

Chances of getting pregnant

For a healthy, fertile couple where both partners are under the age of 35, the chance of getting pregnant straight away is actually pretty low – it’s estimated at around 25 % per month, if you have regular unprotected sex around the time of ovulation.

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Woman experiencing endometriosis pain

Endometriosis and Pregnancy

Endometriosis is a relatively common condition in women, but it is still not fully understood. During normal menstruation, the endometrial lining of the uterus (womb) builds up and is shed each month. Ideally, this lining is restricted to the womb but it can also grow in other areas of the pelvis. Growths of endometrial lining can appear on the ovaries, bowel, bladder, cervix and vagina as well as the fallopian tubes. It can affect up to 60% of women who complain of painful periods (dysmenorrhoea). Up to half of women who are diagnosed with endometriosis have trouble falling pregnant.

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Folic Acid

Folic acid

All pregnant women are advised to take folic acid supplements for at least one month before conceiving and for the first three months of their pregnancy. This mineral is essential for the healthy development of the neural tube.

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Getting Pregnant - Conception - Pregnancy During Ovulation

Getting pregnant during ovulation

Getting pregnant can certainly seem like a simple process. But it’s fair to say that behind the scenes, there’s a lot of activity, which needs to occur in order for it to happen. The first requirement is ovulation, when an egg, preferably a healthy one, is matured and ready to be fertilised by an equally healthy sperm. If the egg is not present, is immature or past its use by date, then fertilisation won’t occur.

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Getting Pregnant - Conception - Pregnancy Tips

Getting pregnant tips

Your biological alarm clock has gone off, so now you’re tracking your menstrual cycle, maybe you’ve had a preliminary check-up with your doctor and you might even secretly be buying baby magazines!

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Getting Pregnant With PCOS

Getting Pregnant With PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, commonly known as PCOS, is a chronic hormonal condition, which affects a woman’s reproductive cycles. It can impact a woman’s fertility, her menstruation, weight maintenance, appearance and even her body’s insulin production.

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Getting Pregnant - Conception - Trouble Getting Pregnant

Having trouble getting pregnant

Some couples are able to conceive their baby without too much trying at all. In fact, many say they can’t work out exactly how and when conception could have happened for them. And although it doesn’t take too much imagination to connect the actual mechanics of conception, sometimes it’s the opportunity that simply slipped our minds. Busy lifestyles, work commitments and constant juggling of time means that getting together and actually having sex is often pushed down on our list of priorities.

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Getting Pregnant -Conception - How To Get Pregnant

How To Get Pregnant

Today we know a lot more about the importance of pre-conception care, and are aware that careful planning can have a positive impact on the health of the couple and their baby, both while in the womb and throughout life.

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Pregnancy Planning

Planning for Pregnancy

Here is a guide to help you plan for your pregnancy physically, financially and emotionally.

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Embryo transfer microscopic image

Embryo Transfer

Embryo transfer is the next step in the IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) or ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology), process. Generally, embryo transfer is done 48 hours after the egg has been fertilised by the sperm. At this point, cell division is already occurring and there will be a minimum of four cells visible within the embryo when it is examined under the microscope.

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Pregnancy - Fertility - IVF - IVF Cost

IVF Cost

For many couples who are having difficulty conceiving, fertility assistance through a specialised clinic becomes their only chance of having a baby. This is rarely a simple option and, for some, the cost can make this an unrealistic choice.

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IVF Embryo Blastocyst

IVF Embryo-Blastocyst

After so much preparation and hard work, this is the key event, which every person going through IVF treatment hopes will go well. It is usual practice for the male partner to have produced a sample of sperm beforehand, which has been frozen in readiness.

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Fertility Age And Men

Male Fertility Age

Men are usually at their peak fertility age in their early to mid-twenties. Research has shown that there is a definite reduction in fertility as men age, however, because this is not as universal as the link between age and fertility in women, this is not as well understood.

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Pregnancy - Fertility - Women Fertility Age

Women Fertility Age

International standards have always assumed that women are in their reproductive years when aged between 15 and 44, and while medical technology has made it possible for some women to get pregnant in their late forties and even older, in general, these pregnancies rely on the use of donor eggs from much younger women.

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Fertility Clinic

Fertility clinic

Fertility affects 30% of women on the African continent. It is estimated that 80 million people worldwide are infertile.

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Fertility Cycle

Fertility cycle

Fertility awareness – that is, having a good understanding of your own fertility cycle – can make a significant difference to the amount of time it takes a couple to get pregnant.

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Fertility Information

Fertility Information

There are various factors that can affect fertility in both men and women, including certain lifestyle factors and health issues, among other causes. While women are more fertile during different periods of their menstrual cycle, men can also be more virile at different times of the month. Huggies® can help you better understand female and male fertility and ways you can improve your fertility as well as the success of conception.

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Pregnancy - Fertility - Fertility Monitor

Fertility Monitor

If you are trying to fall pregnant and are looking to optimise your chances, you should employ the use of a fertility monitor.

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Pregnancy - Fertility - Fertility Monitor

Fertility monitor

If you’re trying to fall pregnant, getting as much information about your own ovulation cycle and identifying those critical fertile days can really help you pinpoint the most likely days for you to conceive.

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Fertility Rate

Fertility Rate

The fertility rate refers to the average number of children that are born to a woman, who is a member of a particular demographic population, during her reproductive years (internationally these are nominated as the ages between 15 and 44).

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Pregnancy - Fertility - Fertility Rate

Fertility rate

The fertility rate refers to the average number of children that are born to a woman, who is a member of a particular demographic population, during her reproductive years (internationally these are nominated as the ages between 15 and 44).

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Pregnancy - Fertility - Fertility Treatment

Fertility treatment

If you and your partner are both under 35 and have no known health problems related to fertility, most medical professionals will suggest that you try to conceive for twelve months on your own before you even consider fertility treatment.

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Pregnancy - Fertility - Increase Fertility

Increase Fertility

Both male and female fertility rely on a delicate balance of hormones, which can be influenced by environmental factors ranging from the food you eat to toxins in the environment, stress and other emotional factors, illness and physical activity.

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Pregnancy - Fertility - Increase Fertility

Increase Fertility

Both male and female fertility rely on a delicate balance of hormones, which can be influenced by environmental factors ranging from the food you eat to toxins in the environment, stress and other emotional factors, illness and physical activity.

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Pregnancy - Fertility - Natural Fertility

Natural fertility

There’s plenty of solid scientific evidence that suggests your fertility is strongly influenced by your lifestyle (what you eat, what you do, your environment and how you live).

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