Huggies® South Africa proudly supports “Momtrepreneurs” and all parents who have or are looking to start up their own businesses.
Feel free to browse our Resources for “Moms in Business” for helpful information and tips that will guide you through the initial phases of starting your own business. You'll learn How to Write a Business Plan, receive tips on How to Name a Business and discover the ins and outs of Setting Up a Business.
Already have a business up and running? Maybe you'll prefer our information on How to Set Up a Website or networking. If you're just starting out, learn about Protecting Your Idea and Prototype Design.
Whether you run an established company, or are just thinking about it, everyone can benefit from knowing more about Small Business Finance. Good luck!
Registering a business name? Find out all you need to know including where to apply and how to register your business name as a trademark. Read the article.
Writing a business plan is one of the most important steps when starting a business. Find out why you need one, what to include and how to get started. Read the article.
Naming a business can be both fun and frustrating at the same time. Read up on our tips for naming a business and then get brainstorming! Read the article.
Financing a small business? Learn about business plans and talking to lenders while you tick off the items on our finance checklist for start-up businesses. Read the article. Good luck!
Want to set up your own website? Read our beginner's guide to buying domain names, web hosting, creating a website and more! Read the article.
Prototype Design. Bring your idea to life with a prototype! Learn about the benefits of creating a prototype, prototype design and some famous female inventors. Read the article.
Got a great business idea? Make sure you protect it! Read this article for information about intellectual property, patents, trademarks and copyright. Read the article.
Congratulations on setting up your own business! Check out this article for the basic steps to setting up a business and information about business structure. Read the article.