10 Games
At 9 months, your baby is developing at an incredible rate. You can help this development by playing a few easy, but fun games with her. This will trigger engagement and encourage development. Here are 10 games you can use to aid baby’s development.

10 Tips to keep your child calm
Almost every parent has been through it – when your precious little one has an epic temper tantrum in the middle of a busy supermarket. They’ve even turned themselves purple in an effort to let you know how displeased they are with the situation.

Active toddlers at play
Both indoor and outdoor play experiences are important for children’s development. While recent research has shown a decline in the number of children engaging in active outdoor play, it is critical to your child’s healthy development.

Baby Dancing
For some children, easy, graceful movements come naturally. They can be as instinctive as rolling over, crawling, and then walking. For every other baby, a little more encouragement and direction is needed.
Once children find their groove, nurturing a love of music, enjoying rhythmical movement every day, and even taking toddler dance classes , can be hugely valuable. Starting dance education in your child’s early years enhances their physical, emotional, and social skills.

Cognitive Development
As your toddler approaches age 2, you will probably notice quite a change in his thinking. This is the age when most children develop the ability to think ahead.

Developing social skills
Toddlers are fascinated by people their own age and size. Playing with other children on a regular basis lets toddlers develop affectionate relationships that can last for years.

Ditching Dummy
While many people oppose the use of dummies altogether, there is no denying what a blessing the dummy is for many parents. Apart from being easy to replace if they get lost or damaged, they’re a wonderful way to help baby learn to self-settle.
But when should you ditch the dummy? And, more importantly, how can you do it in a way that minimises stress for you and your little one?

Imaginitive and pretend play
Imaginative or pretend play stimulates the senses, creates opportunities for exploration and creative thinking, and helps your child to develop key skills vital for intellectual and emotional growth, as well as social success.

Nursery to bedroom
Moving your little one from a nursery to a bedroom is an exciting change. The key feature of this move is that your child will make the transition from the cot to a bed. It can be a big step for everyone involved. It is a milestone that with a little planning and organisation can be a positive change for everyone.

Perfect play dates
It’s an exciting step into new territory when you and your little one start having play-dates. It’s a great opportunity for a tired mom to chat with another person, who understands what it’s like, and for the children it often means a whole new set of toys to play with! Play-dates are a great opportunity for toddlers to develop their communication skills with their peers, and learn about sharing with others.

Play and development
Through play, infants and toddlers learn about themselves, about others, and about the world around them. Finding out what things are and what they do become a key focus of your child’s attention and efforts. Play builds the imagination, stimulates the senses and creates opportunities for success. The benefits of play are so great that every day should be a day of play!

Shyness in toddlers
Toddlers come in all shapes and sizes, with differing personalities to boot. One characteristic that can be a real challenge for parents to cope with is shyness. Psychologists agree this characteristic is one that is a result of temperament and often not related to parenting itself. It appears as if nature has prewired some children to be shy, whilst many children outgrow shyness a small percentage don’t.

To Wean or not to wean
Are you confused about weaning your little one? Don’t worry: you’re not the only one! So often, mothers ask me for advice on what to feed their baby when weaning. “My daughter won’t drink cows’ milk, what should I wean her onto?” “How much cows’ milk should my son drink a day?” “What foods can I give my son who won’t drink cows’ milk; I am worried he isn’t getting enough calcium?” Sound familiar?

Ways to keep your child talking
Here are some tips and hints on ways to keep your child talking.