1 Week Baby
The first week of your baby's life will be one of enormous change. Instead of having its every need catered for, your baby now needs to function in a semi independent state. Its breathing, digestion, elimination and communication will all be very different to the way they were through the long months of gestation. But your baby will still rely on you for all of its physical and emotional care for a long time to come.

5 Week Baby
Congratulations! You've passed the one month stage and the business of caring for your baby is likely to be getting a little easier. Some parents refer to the baby's age by the weeks; others by the month. It doesn't really matter either way, but weeks tend to be more precise.

2 Month Old
If you feel as if you're investing a lot of energy with very little return, this month may turn the tide. The early weeks of parenting can be a very one-sided affair, with lots of input and not much feedback from your little one to let you know how they're doing. Now is the time when your baby will be more animated, and will really start to connect with you.

4 Month Old
Your baby is really becoming their own little person at 4 months and will be showing you they truly have their own unique personality. You may already be seeing character traits which remind you of someone you know, perhaps yourself or your partner being replicated in miniature form. But maybe your baby is totally different from what you are familiar with and will keep you guessing all the time.

Delicate Newborn Care
Leaving moisture against a baby's skin can increase the chances of nappy rash. Keeping them drier will help to prevent such irritation and, more importantly, will keep them more comfortable.
Huggies Newborn Nappies are the only nappies that are clinically proven to help prevent nappy rash. This is because they have a Breathe Dry® cover, which allows fresh air to circulate around your baby's bottom, allowing skin to stay drier.

Giggles baby, keep em’ coming
It’s been a bit rocky... but you’ve made it to a milestone that’s going to get you giggling no matter how tired you are. Baby will start giggling away before they can speak, it becomes a powerful way to communicate and connect with your little one.

Newborn Bonding
In the first few weeks, it may seem that your newborn isn't doing much of anything except sleeping and eating. Don't be misled because a lot is going on!

Baby’s first smile
Babies are able to connect and interact with you from birth, and when they reach the smiling milestone it will get the whole family smiling too. Read all about baby’s smiles and when to expect them here.