Woman looking through garments in a wardrobe

10 great ideas to quickly spice up your wardrobe

You don't have to spend a great deal of money in order to spice up your wardrobe. Instead, it's a great idea to spend some time going through and taking an inventory of what you do have. You will often come across clothes or accessories you've forgotten about, or things you know simply don't have a place in your wardrobe anymore.

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Smiling woman carrying a box

8 tips and tricks for how to organise your home

There are a multitude of practical tips and tricks you can use to organise your home. They are all relatively easy to implement, though you may have to spend a little time initially putting them into place. However, every family is different, so use the tips and tricks that you know will be the most helpful to you and the needs of your family in terms of organising your home.

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Woman writing in a book

Creating a family chores chart

It is important that all family members play a role in the running of the household. Parents should not be responsible for every aspect of the cleaning and organisation of the household. It is helpful to involve your little ones in the process as soon as they are able to contribute, even if it is in a very small way.

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Woman typing on a laptop in her kitchen

Discover how using a weekly planner helps save time

Whether you use a paper or electronic version, a weekly planner is an invaluable time saver. It's a terrific visual aid that, if you use it on a regular basis, will help you manage your time more effectively. It's sensible to set aside a few minutes a week to fill in your weekly planner for the week ahead. While you might need to tweak it during the week itself, it will be a practical step in helping you save time and organise your household more effectively.

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Pregnant mom holding her toddler touching running water

Educating the kids on cleaning and tidying

Once your little one is on the move, they will usually want to be involved with cleaning and tidying the house with you. This doesn't mean they will actually be able to be of practical help. However, this is a good time to involve them in some small ways and to foster a positive attitude towards the housecleaning process.

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Smiling mom folding a towel

Great ways to structure your days

The benefit of routine and structure in your days is that it will give you control of your life. This is regardless of whether you are parenting a newborn, coping with several small children, or managing work outside the home and the kids as well.

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Woman sitting on a bed covered with garments

Identifying and eliminating time wasters

The advent of the internet and mobile phones means that you have very little down time. It means being permanently connected and can be a huge time waster in the process. The refrain “I’m so busy!” can be heard from parents everywhere. This isn’t surprising given that we are not only managing our own lives but those of our children as well. It’s important to make time for oneself and then use it effectively. If we identify and eliminate time wasters it is a positive step forward in caring for our own needs.

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Smiling mom carrying folded laundry

Organising Tips

Planning your meals for the week ahead helps minimise the pressure that organising meals can create on a day-to-day basis.

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Young girl helping mom carrying towels

Timesaver tips for household

There is a wealth of timesaving resources available to households these days. However, what is seen as a miracle household time saver in one home may be a complete time waster in another. The key is to find out what works best for you and your family dynamic. These time-saver tips for your household may initially require you to invest in some planning and organisation. In the long run they will save you valuable time.

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Mom sitting on a couch with a make-up pallet in her hand

10 of the best make up tips for moms on the go

If you do nothing else for yourself in the morning take the time to brush your teeth. As well as reducing tooth decay and your chances of gum disease, it will actually make you feel better. Having clean teeth is a great incentive to smile and face the day ahead.

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Mom sitting at a table with her toddler while working on a laptop

10 simple tips for moms on the go to save time

Every mom is busy. You may be at home with a newborn, or making the transition back into the workforce. Alternatively, you might be working from home or juggling a troop of small children. The common factor is that your life is very demanding. In order to manage all the stresses on your time when you're on the go, here are some simple tips to help you save time.

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Woman washing her face at a basin

A 10 minute daily beauty routine

It is really important to have a good skincare programme. This is partly for your own sense of well-being, but it is also because it is likely your baby will be snuggling up to your skin each day and you only want the best for them as well. Your beauty care programme can be as simple as ensuring you brush your teeth twice daily, pop a comb through your hair and putting sunscreen on in the morning. These are the basics of your self-care regime but there are plenty of simple beauty tips and tricks that busy moms can use to help make their skin their best accessory.

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Smiling mom ironing

Quick ironing tips for moms

The reality is that you will usually have some items that you need to iron each week. It's best to face this head-on and tackle them as soon as they appear in the ironing basket. Ironing has an alarming tendency to pile up very quickly and can be a mammoth task when finally confronted.

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Busy mom talking on the phone at her laptop while watching her toddler

Time Saving For Busy Moms

The most effective way for a busy mom to save time is to plan and organise your life as much as possible. That way, if things run smoothly you will be able to relax a little knowing you are on schedule. If things do fall apart or become chaotic you will usually have contingency plans in place to help you cope.

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Mom and girl carrying folded laundry

10 quick cleaining tips for the house

Using these quick and practical cleaning tips means you will spend less time cleaning, which gives you more time to do other things. As the kitchen, bathroom and living areas are usually the ones that see the most traffic in the home, these quick cleaning tips are designed to provide practical and effective strategies for cleaning them up.

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Gloved hands cleaning a surface

House Cleaning

We all lead busy lives and, as a result, the words ‘house cleaning’ can often seem like dirty words. The truth is though, if we have systems in place to help out with cleaning our house, we can reduce our cleaning workload significantly. The other bonus is that, by having effective cleaning structures in place, we can also make our home a place that really is our haven.

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Dad carrying baby and loading the washing machine

Laundry cleaning tips

It is important to implement some practical strategies when it comes to cleaning and organising your laundry. Many families can find themselves losing valuable weekend time together because of the piles of laundry that need doing.

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Woman breathing in the smell of clean laundry

Laundry essentials - be prepared for any stain

Stains on clothes are an inevitable part of parenting life. They can vary from food spills to grass stains and other smellier stains as well! Some stains will require patience and time in order to remove them properly. In order to cope with stains it is a good idea to have your laundry stocked with items such as spray-on or pre-wash stain removers.

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Mom and Dad cleaning house

Quick clean any room in less than 30 minutes

Planning and efficiency are important when it comes to giving any room a quick clean in less than 30 minutes. Regardless of whether it is the kitchen, bathroom or living room, you need to have your cleaning equipment at hand and have a strategy in place for cleaning the room you're working on.

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Smiling woman cleaning a kitchen surface

Speed cleaning - how its done

Speed cleaning can be easily done by anyone. To be a successful “speed cleaner”, you need is the correct equipment and a plan in place. Speed cleaning doesn’t mean cutting corners, or that you won’t do the job properly. It simply means that you are maximising the time you’ve allocated to the task at hand. So what are some practical strategies when it comes to speed cleaning?

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Smiling mom preparing food

10 ways to save time in the morning

Some of the demands you face in the morning usually include getting dressed, eating, mapping out the day ahead, and ensuring your little ones' needs are also met. Most days you will also have to be out the door by a certain time in the morning for work, to do the school run or to go to playgroup.

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Toddler helping smiling mom to prepare food

Coping With The Morning Rush

Being organised in the morning can help minimise the stress of the morning rush. Whether you are a new parent or juggling getting your children to childcare and heading off to work, you are certainly not alone in your situation. Every family can struggle with the challenges created by starting a new day and the daily commitments they have to meet.

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Smiling woman tasting the contents of a blender

Tips for getting organised with kids in the morning

Getting organised with kids in the morning can be a calm and enjoyable process for all involved. With some thought and preparation it can leave everyone involved looking forward to the day ahead. Each family member will also feel a sense of achievement that they have made a positive start to the day.

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Mom carrying bags and her toddler on her hip

Tips for getting your child ready for school in the morning

It is important to encourage small children to develop a sense of independence from early on in their lives. This is particularly relevant once they start school. By this stage they should be able to dress themselves, eat breakfast and help with packing their school bag. By helping to lay these foundations, you are not only helping with building their sense of self worth, you are also helping them to develop life skills.

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Fruit in a shopping bag

5 time saving grocery shopping tips

Grocery shopping can take up a considerable portion of your time. With some planning and research it can go from being a stressful and chaotic event to one that is efficient and effective.

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Woman holding a shopping list while grocery shopping

How to manage your shopping list

A shopping list is an important item for your weekly or monthly shopping trip. Whether you prefer the pen and paper method for making your shopping list, or the functionality of using an App on your phone, these are both helpful methods for managing your lists.

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Woman holding her mobile phone and looking at the packaging of a grocery item

Save Time Shopping

Shopping is an unavoidable chore in every household. In order for you to maintain stocks in the fridge and pantry you need a regular shopping schedule. This does not take into account the more infrequent shopping trips needed for clothes or other household items that you also need to buy from time to time.

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Woman shopping online

Saving time with online shopping

Online shopping is a very popular alternative to shopping in store these days. For those who have access to this service it can be a fantastic and relatively stress-free alternative. Online shopping means avoiding the car park, the queues and the temptation of placing items that you simply don't need into the shopping trolley.

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Mom and toddler working out

Best tips for creating a 30-minute workout plan

Creating a workout plan for yourself is a pretty straightforward process. Once you've committed to regaining your fitness and had the all-clear from your doctor, you are all set to go. There are some great ways you can exercise and it is important to use one that will appeal to you. We've included baby in the walking and jogging programme as well. If you are able to exercise solo that's great, but it is good to have the option of including them in your 30 minute workout plan otherwise.

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Mom and Dad working out while baby's laying close by

Exercising with baby in tow

There are many ways you can include baby in your exercise routine and some practical alternatives as well. For many moms, it is difficult to get outside help in so they can exercise. Once you've had the all-clear from your doctor you should start carving out some time to focus on your fitness. It means being a bit creative and finding ways to fit exercise and baby into your daily routine.

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Moms with babies working out

Get Fit Quick

You may be thinking about getting fit again now that baby is sleeping for longer, or you may have reached a point where you want to overhaul your fitness. In order to get fit quickly it is important to be safe, sensible and realistic.

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Mom in a meditative pose while baby sleeps on a couch

Incorporating daily fitness into your routine

t is common knowledge that everyone should be incorporating daily exercise into their day-to-day routines. Exercise doesn't just help with improving muscle-tone, it also helps with your overall fitness and mental well-being. Every parent, from those of newborns to older children, should be working on some form of daily exercise.

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Woman sitting cross-legged in a meditative pose

Pelvic floor exercises

One of the side effects of childbirth can be the weakening of your pelvic floor. During your pregnancy the hormone progesterone is used to help soften and relax your muscles and ligaments so that your baby can make their way out of your pelvis and vagina. The side effect of this is that it can stretch those muscles a great deal. This means that many moms can often experience a weakness of the bladder when they laugh, sneeze or even when they lift something.

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Slices of bread with jam and peanut butter

Breakfast meals on the go

While breakfast may be seen as the “most important meal of the day,” it is often the most difficult meal to make time for, or to enjoy properly. Every family faces challenges in the morning. These range from coping with sleep deprivation, racing out the door to work, or managing the school run.

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Mielies and meat in a slow cooker

How to use a slow cooker to save time

A slow cooker is an excellent time-saving tool for busy parents. While it may take a long time for the food itself to cook, the slow cooker means that it is a hands-free affair for parents. You don't have to attend to the food at all. Once you've prepared the food and put it in the slow cooker, you can leave it to cook throughout the course of the day.

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Baby eating food from a spoon

Making and freezing baby food in advance

You can save valuable time by making and freezing your baby food in advance. Realistically, your baby will only be eating small amounts of food, especially in the early days. It makes sense to prepare some of the baby food in advance and freeze it.

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Berries and cherries on a plate

Meal planning for the week ahead

Planning your meals for the week ahead helps minimise the pressure that organising meals can create on a day-to-day basis.

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Parenting - kitchen tips - cleaning tips

Quick kitchen cleaning tips

Cleaning the kitchen on a daily basis is non-negotiable. Apart from being the heart of your home, it is also the place where you need to maintain high standards of hygiene as it is a food preparation area.

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Toasted sandwich on a plate

Time Saving Kitchen Tips

It's no secret that order and organisation help us cope with the demands of daily life better. It is important to find what works best for you and your family. When it comes to the heart of the household, the kitchen, there are some great strategies for saving time in the kitchen, especially when it comes to preparing meals or clearing up.

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