Woman washing her face at a basin Woman washing her face at a basin

A 10 minute daily beauty routine

It is really important to have a good skincare programme. This is partly for your own sense of well-being, but it is also because it is likely your baby will be snuggling up to your skin each day and you only want the best for them as well. Your beauty care programme can be as simple as ensuring you brush your teeth twice daily, pop a comb through your hair and putting sunscreen on in the morning. These are the basics of your self-care regime but there are plenty of simple beauty tips and tricks that busy moms can use to help make their skin their best accessory.

Remember, if you are a new mom, your skin is likely to be quite dehydrated so one key beauty tip is to be sure to put on moisturiser every day. In addition, make sure you are drinking lots of water. This will go a long way to ensure you are hydrated both inside and out.

Even if you are staying home for the day it can be a positive thing to spend some time doing your hair and make-up. If you don’t want to do the full make up routine, at a minimum, make sure you have brushed your hair, teeth and put sunscreen on. You can also use our 10 minute plan to help you pop some make up on in the morning. In fact, the more regularly you do it the quicker you will become.

A 10 minute daily beauty routine

Equipment: Cleanser, sunscreen, foundation, concealer (optional), mascara, blush, lipstick.

Step 1: Begin with cleansing every morning.

This is to remove any traces of night cream from the night before. It is important for new moms to use a night cream, as you often will have very dry skin initially after having a baby.

Step 2: Apply sunscreen and moisturiser.

You can usually get moisturisers with SPF included. Make sure the sun protection factor (SPF) is high though. Start at the hairline on your forehead and apply all the way down to the top of your chest. Your neck and chest are prone to sunburn and it is just as important to protect them from UV rays as your face to avoid premature wrinkling.

Step 3: Apply a foundation over your face and concealer for any dark circles under the eyes.

Make sure it is blended evenly into your jawline as well.

Step 4: Apply mascara to your eyelashes.

For many moms this may be the only step they carry out in their make-up routine. It is a great way of bringing out your eyes and helping to conceal fatigue.

Step 5: Apply some blush to your cheekbones.

Step 6: Apply a light trace of lipstick.

If you prefer not to kiss baby with anything on your lips then leave them bare. A handy tip is to have a lip-gloss in your handbag so you can pop it on when you’re heading out.

New mom equals new skincare

For some moms, parenthood means undergoing some significant skin changes. This can be purely hormonal and temporary. You may not be able to buy yourself a new range of products to care for your skin. Instead, have a chat with the ladies at the over-the-counter beauty section at your local stores. They will usually be able to identify your skin type and give you some samples of skincare products to try. This will give you time to decide what products are really beneficial to your skin and you can then make your decision about what to buy later on.

It is really important to remember that while you may be time-poor, it is an investment when you have a skincare and beauty regime. There are plenty of great beauty tips you can incorporate into your programme. You can always do your make-up while baby is having their morning nap. You will look and feel better for having taken the time to look after yourself.


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